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Website optimization needs to avoid what problems

Source: Site popularity: 1684 Published time: 2018-05-08 14:07:16

Website construction after the website is a very systematic work,There are a lot of details to pay attention to,If you do it right, it'll go straight to the top,If you don't do it right,Not only does the search rank no higher,And even the original rank is slipping down,The reasons for these errors are hidden in the change of the title, change the layout, and so on such changes should not be changed in the project,Therefore, it is necessary for us to study the practice of website here。

What problems should be avoided in websiting

First, change the layout to change the content of great harm

1, many SEO heads, pre-planning problems get the steps to make up, change the title today, change the keywords tomorrow, the day after tomorrow the layout is all adjusted again, the link is also a while, such a change of ideas for the site's easy search harm is very great。

2Search engines access the data of this website for analysis, each time as a new website, thus extending the time to grasp key data。

3, often change the content, change the link, will be suspected by the search system as cheating, is marked it is difficult to eliminate。

4, modified traces will become some dead links, a long time, search engines will give such a site to reduce the value。

Second, the server and space should be long-term stable

Website is not only a matter of the station, sometimes also pay attention to the impact of space and server, the first to ensure the point is the stability of the server and space, the first choice should be careful, the later use of time to be stable, which is also every webmaster will be told for the server and space use of the operation to。The reason is that the main problem is that the search engine will think that the website that often changes the server address is a new website, and, coupled with the change of the server, often cause the page to open slowly, which is more unfavorable for improving the page view。

Third, web content management and link management

Website site information is a plateaued SEO topic, here no more details, just want to remind the webmaster, the website is a long-term continuous and stable work, not because today busy tomorrow busy on the phenomenon of exposure ten cold, which is not any good for improving the ranking。
In addition, the exchange volume and exchange quality of the friendship chain are also worth paying attention to, under normal circumstances, a website can have twenty-five websites that exchange external chains with each other, and if it expands more, it is not beneficial and may be considered cheating。

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